Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Literature from or about world war Essay

By comparing the extracts from testament of youth, the ghost road and Binyon’s for the fallen and referring to your wider reading examine how typical in both style and treatment of subject matter these writings are of literature from or about world war one. Timing has a significant effect when war literature is written as does whether the source was a first hand account or a work written from others sources. Laurence Binyon wrote ‘For the Fallen’ in 1914 when war had just broke out and at this time people were joyous and glad of the excitement of war, Binyon reflects this view as he personifies England as a ‘mother for her children’ describing England as a caring character unwillingly sending her children to their deaths for ‘the cause of the free’. This patriotism and duty seen by ‘death august and royal’ were wide spread, and although there were deaths the full extent of the trench warfare horrors had been censored, so was only experienced by those at the front. Binyon himself only visited the front at one point so perhaps did not experience horrors as did other writers such as owen, yet he had more first hand Pat barker’s writing ‘Ghost Road’ in 1999. Despite this Pat Barker and Vera Britain’s biography written n 1933 are able to have a wider perspective on the events and Vera Britain in particular is able to look back in hindsight in a way in which Binyon could not and have time to consider events that passed and analyse them . Ghost road contains horrific, graphic images of ‘dismembered bodies hurtling’ and ‘eyelids eaten away’ which although designed to shock a reader so as they are eager to read more are also researched so are true of events which took place during the war. Barker doesn’t hold back from the extreme physicality of the imagery similar to Sebastian Faulke’s ‘Birdsong’ where horrendous images of ‘only a hole remaining between his shoulders’ are common, Faulke’s also uses loves and sex to link in with the physicality of the war wounds. Britain also uses her emotional relationship with Roland for a stark contrast with the vast sense of loss of the last line. This could be authors having to modernise for present-day readers or the lack of patriotism of today’s society which allows or even needs brutally truthful accounts to entertain the reader. The author’s opinion of the war also needs consideration as Binyon was pro- war and felt the personal experience of honour and duty as many young men of 1914 did. Because of this he will have experienced the excitement at the beginning of war and this reflects in his writing such as the ‘glory that shines upon our tears’. ‘For the Fallen’ also gives a sense of respect and waste for the men who ‘shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old,’ particularly emphasising the youthfulness of the dead. The funeral imagery that is run throughout gives the poem a idea of a funeral for all those lost, missing or presumed dead in battle, so no ennobled soldiers are left unhonoured. Binyon focuses on this lament for the dead, they ‘are marching upon the heavenly plains’ giving the impression those who die for their country are viewed more worthy in god’s eyes. Unlike Pat Barkers description of a ‘severed head’ which could be considered disrespectful toward the dead. Binyon uses euphemisms telling of the young men who now ‘sleep beyond England’s foam’ this attitude towards death is mirrored by Vera Britain as she chooses to believe her fianci ‘drifted unconsciously into death’ so as to relieve herself of the pain and loss of her loved one. Vera invites the reader to have empathy towards her as they know her anticipation is an anticlimax and Roland in the end ‘had died of wounds at a casualty clearing station. ‘ The romantic sense in which she describes him and their ‘love that had arisen so swiftly’ is discredited by the matter of fact way she declares his death adding pathos to the extract. This statement is given as if in shock or simply immune to the pain similar to the immunity soldiers gained towards death at the front, they got to the point where as Hulme described, ‘men walked as on Piccadilly over a dead Belgian’s belly. ‘ This immunity does not stretch to every situation however, Barker talks of ‘a friends death precipitating a total collapse’ and ‘nausea, vomiting, spell of forgetfulness’ as if the war not only affect the men physically but also mentally, their whole being with nothing left untouched. Barker’s character Rivers even sees the war torment Craigloackhart’s sleep giving him endless hypnagogic hallucinations of ‘lips eaten away’. Binyon also shows the war affecting the whole being as he talks of the passion and duty of how the men were ‘staunch to the end against odds uncounted. ‘ This sense of duty is elaborated on in war literature, Barker talks of Craiglockhart ‘behaving with exemplary courage and loyalty. ‘ Sebastian Faulke’s hard metal like character Stephen is willing to die due to love for his men by the end. ‘Testament of Youth’ is written as a biography in prose as is the fictional work of Pat Barker’s ‘Ghost Road’, while ‘For the Fallen’ is a poem written in iambic pentameter form. The Iambic is used to give a rhythmical tone reflecting a procession of the marching men, and is perhaps used to imitate the ‘solemn drums. ‘ The rhythm enables the poem to be read slowly and set a tone of pride and respect, the biblical tones throughout the poem such as ‘flesh of her flesh’ serve to give the poem a more serious theme as those lamenting the dead often need religious support. This is true of agnostic Vera Britain who thanks ‘whatever God might exist’ for Roland but when worry sets in she turns to religion ironically praying ‘whosoever liveth in me shall never die’. Death is the major theme running through all the sources, with ‘Ghost Road’ using horrific adjectives to show how the soldiers were degraded even in death but this death left an impact on the friends and relatives who were left behind such as Craiglockhart. Binyon is also assertive to the dead being remembered with him shortening the last line so forth disrupting the steady pattern and emphasizing last lines such as the imperative ‘we will remember them’, and the very last line having further emphasis with repetition of ‘to the end, to the end, they remain. ‘ Other immortalising imagery such as ‘stars’ give a comfort to the reader which they do not achieve from Ghost Road or Vera Britain as the matter of fact death is left without a sense of the soul being at rest as they do as they ‘march upon the heavenly plain’ in For the Fallen. This shows the views of the authors as Binyon is very pro-war and patriotism for the country whilst Britain and Barker show the extremity of the loss and give an anti-war vision to their work as does Wilfred Owen as he opens with a harsh question of ‘what passing bells for those who die as cattle. ‘ This question probes the reader into asking themselves why the war occurred, and with Owens imagery of ‘stuttering rifles’ and ‘sad shires’ it is tough for a reader to think pro-war. Sibilance is frequent in For the Fallen as ‘stars that are starry’ allows for the poem with its harsh theme of death to be softened having a soothing effect upon the reader. To add to this calming flowing effect fricative sounds are added such as ‘flesh of flesh. ‘ This enables a harmonious sound for the dead who died for a cause which is often why the poem is read at remembrance services to put those who have lost loved ones at peace.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Was the Provisional Government Doomed from the Beginning? a Russian Revolution

History Dissertation Was the Provisional Government Doomed from the Beginning? word count: 3999 Josh Blake Candidate No. 031276977 Contents †¢ Introduction P 3 †¢ Chapter 1: Nature of the Provisional Government and Structuralist opinions. P 4 – 6 †¢ Chapter 2: Structuralist response P 7 – 8 †¢ Chapter 3: Intentionalist response P 9 – 12 †¢ Conclusion P 13 †¢ Bibliography P 14 †¢ Annotated Bibliography P 15 – 16 Was the Provisional Government doomed from the beginning? After the February revolution on 1917 which saw the abdication of the Tsar, Russia was in turmoil. It had gone (in a matter of days) from being one of the most repressed countries in the world to being totally free with nobody in any real position of power or authority, and this was a massive change for the population of Russia. As a result of this confusion two bodies were set up to temporarily control Russia until a constituent Assembly could be elected. These two bodies were the Provisional government, (made up of leading Liberal parties, and Kadets), and the Petrograd Soviets (made up of workers, soldiers, socialist revolutionaries, and had both Menshevik and Bolshevik members. However this reign did not last long as in October of the same year the Bolsheviks seized the Tauride Palace overthrowing the Provisional government (PG) in the name of the Petrograd Soviet. There are many reasons to why the PG did not manage to consolidate its power; primarily there were a lot of internal problems that gave them a big disadvantage. However there were also external pressures from the pe asants, workers and the war that the PG could simply not cope with. As historians have studied the question in depth different schools of thought have been established. The Structuralist School believes that the PG was doomed from the beginning, because of the problems they faced such as Dual Power, the War and Order No1; however Darby who is a popular Structuralist historian believes that there was a â€Å"window of opportunity. †[1] However they failed to use this to their advantage and it cost them dear in October 1917. On the other hand the Intentionalist school believe that the PG was not in fact doomed from the beginning and collapsed due to outside pressure from the peasants, workers and impact of revolutionary leaders such as Lenin. Lenin’s revolutionary slogans such as â€Å"peace, land and bread†[2] shifted the support hugely from the PG to the Bolsheviks and other factors such as the July Days meant Lenin could undermine the PG completely. And gain support for the Bolsheviks. Chapter1: Nature of the Provisional Government and Structuralist opinions On the 2nd March 1917 the PG was declared and on the 4th minister’s were appointed. The Petrograd Soviet was also declared as a leading body in Russia and this initial system of Dual Power presented an immediate problem for both groups. Having two Bodies trying to run the same country immediately causes difficulties as there would be disagreements between them. This is exaggerated between the PG and Petrograd Soviet because their views and ideologies are so distinctly different. The PG wanted to contain the revolution, whereas the Soviets wanted to deepen it. John Bradley agrees with this, stating: â€Å"The Soviet and the PG although coexisting, would never act in harmony, both preferring to follow separate roads in the pursuit of different goals. †[3] This initial rivalry deepened with the introduction of Order No. 1 which was granted to the Soviets. Order No. 1 essentially gave the Soviets control of the armed forces in Russia. It states that: armed forces are subordinate to the Petrograd Soviet in all their political actions; and one delegate from each company was to be elected to the Petrograd Soviet. Also all weapons were to remain under the control of company and battalion committees, and in no circumstances to be handed over to officers. This meant that, â€Å"the armed forces were disabled from enforcing the PG’s will. [4] Mosley supports this and states that: â€Å"The PG has no real power, troops, railroads; post and telegraph are all in the hands of the Soviet. †[5] The PG’s liberal nature also played a large role in their lack of effective policies and knowledge. When they were appointed the PG immediately: abolished the secret police; abolished censorship; introduced civil liberties; abolished the death penalty; granted civil rights to soldiers; aboli shed discrimination based on class or religion; and gave amnesty to political prisoners. All these things (contrary to the PG’s beliefs) were seen to be giving to much freedom to the population, to soon and this had a knock on effect throughout their reign. For example, when the state was threatened during April, July and October they were unwilling to use force. Orlando Figes sees this as a major reason for their downfall: â€Å"Intoxicated by their own self image as their heirs of 1789, they were deluded into believing that they could resolve the problems by 1917 by importing western constitutional practices and policies, for which there were no precedents, nor the necessary cultural base in Russia. [6] The PG had destroyed the original bureaucracy under the Tsar and did not replace it with anything; this resulted in the population not really knowing what they were supporting. Other aspects that cost the PG dearly were internal problems such as the members within the body. After the abdication of the Tsar on the 2nd March 1917 the population expected the Duma t o take control of Russia. The Duma was a secondary government set up by the Tsar in reply to the October Manifesto after the 1905 revolution to keep the population of Russia happy. However as the Tsar Nicholas was still sovereign and there was a chance that he could come back into power the Duma felt they could not establish a leading role over Russia because if the Tsar were to return they could be accused of treason. They were simply trying to save their backs in case this was to happen. As a result of this they set a Provisional committee separately which was to act as a temporary body in control of Russia until a Constituent Assembly could be elected later in the year. In contrast to the Soviets the PG was chosen by the Duma whereas the Soviet was elected by the people emphasising the PG’s lack of connection with the workers and peasants in Russia. It seems today that historians feel the Duma should have accepted their opportunity to control Russia but they had a dread of responsibility and did no want any blame if anything was to go wrong, Richard Pipes wrote: â€Å"It has been argued that the failure of the Duma to proclaim at once, in an unequivocal manner, the assumption of power had disastrous effects. [7]This suggests that the PG was a second option for the Duma and was not a well established institution and this immediately suggests that the PG was doomed from the beginning. Bernard Paves emphasises the poor quality of the PG in his book: â€Å"The PG was what the country had to offer in experience of government outside the administrative machine; but they amounted only to a few fairly competent critics, without authority, educated in a Duma which had hardly been listened to. †[8] Initially the Duma had announced that the PG was to handle restoration of order. The PG felt a political revolution was needed, not a social revolution. However a social reform or revolution was a necessity in Russia as there was mass unrest in both the countryside and cities. This dissatisfaction needed to be sorted out as soon as possible and although the PG tried they did not recognise what was needed to transform Russia. As Lenin wrote, Russia was in the second phase of the revolution and it was now the turn of the proletariat to continue it. The PG however was trying too hard to contain both the working class and peasants without ever giving them any of their demands making them restless. This was another key reason why they were not able to consolidate their power. Although the PG was predominantly a liberal body there was one exception. Aleksandr Fyodorovich Kerensky was a member of both the PG and the Petrograd Soviet and was the only representative in the body with moderately socialist ideologies. This resulted in disagreements within the party and his key role as prime minister after Lvov came as a disadvantage as he adopted a new self arrogance and cost the PG dearly. There was a huge contrast between Lvov and Kerensky. Lvov was seen largely as a â€Å"figure head†[9] and was an effective leader however he was forced to resign over the issue of regional nationalities. Kerensky on the other hand was not such an effective leader and sought his own goals although appearing popular through the early years of the 1900’s. As the PG was a liberal body they felt a republic was where Russia should be heading. However this contrasted with Kerensky’s ideology’s and was another reason for them being unable to consolidate their power. Milyukov was also a key member in the party. As Mosley wrote, â€Å"he was an outstanding personality in the party. †[10] Milyukov was appointed minister of foreign affairs, and he played a huge role in formulating the policies which the PG adopted. However in connection with the War Milyukov made a grave mistake that ended in his resignation. This lack of knowledge was typical of the members of the PG. Chapter 2: Structuralists response The Structuralist response believes that the PG was doomed from the beginning due to their poor response to the demands of both the peasants and the workers, and the pressure put on them by the war. There were serious problems in Russia however there were also very high expectations of the PG, putting pressure on them, and making it hard for them to effectively consolidate power. These key issues included: the war, land distribution, national minorities, economy, and social reform, and in March of 1917 it was important the PG made a good first impression. The key question involving the war was whether or not Russia should sue for immediate peace. This however would have implications as it would be very embarrassing and humiliating along with the severe loss of territory that would incur. If they were not to call for immediate peace they faced another problem. Should they continue fighting alongside with their allies and try to gain territory or fight a defensive war and simply try not to lose any more territory? The PG made a good choice in only fighting a defensive war. This however backfired when the Milyukov affair became apparent, and this cost the PG dearly. Although this problem could be seen to be a result of outside pressure and not an initial reason for their downfall, their initial reaction was simply the starting point from which the problems involving the war escalated out of control. The question involving the distribution of land was whether they should take land from the nobility and landowners and hand it over to the peasants or should they wait for the Constituent Assembly to organise it in a more controlled way. They immediately opted to stand back from these demands, and stated that they would wait for the Constituent Assembly to be elected so that they could deal with it more appropriately. The PG adopted the same approach when answering the vital question of the demands of the working class in Russia. The Working class wanted much better conditions for both working and living; they also wanted eight hour working days and elected members on factory committees. Beryl Williams wrote: â€Å"Labour legislation was brought in by the PG: the right to strike, and to elect factory committees, an eight hour day, freedom and land reform†¦ however these were postponed until the promised Constituent Assembly. †[11] This made the workers and peasants restless and as the year progresses they simply put more pressure on the PG. The dilemma involving national minorities was that neighbouring countries to Russia such as Finland, Ukraine, and Poland wanted independence. They decided to grant these countries independence as they thought they did not really have any control over them anyway. However this sparked disagreements within the party and turned out to be more important than the PG had originally thought. It resulted in the Kadets leaving the PG and this came as a huge loss of support and meant Kerensky took over Lvov position as prime minister. The economic situation in Russia was not good and supply of food and fuel needed to be increased. These key issues in March 1917 were very important to the PG’s downfall. They gave them an opportunity to excel however due to bad decisions and poor policies the PG was not able to consolidate power. The Structuralists School sees these problems as a chance for the PG to show Russia they were capable of leadership and the historian Darby refers to these times as a â€Å"window of opportunity. †[12] However the PG’s inability to cope with such stresses among other strains put them immediately on a downward spiral. Chapter 3: Intentionalist response Although there is a lot of evidence to suggest that the PG was doomed from the beginning there is also evidence which supports the contrary. Many of the issues that the PG failed to deal with in March escalated and caused big problems within the body. There were also key mistakes made that put support in the hands of the Bolsheviks and gave them a prime opportunity to seize power in October. As Beryl Williams wrote, â€Å"the PG created a climate in which its political opponents could return and flourish. †[13] The initial policy that the PG had set up in response to the war was one of the only vaguely effective policies they had adopted; this however did not last long. On the 20th April of that year a message from Milyukov (The Minister of Defence) that had been sent to the PG was leaked to the public and sparked various protests throughout Russia. The note told the PG that the army was to go on the offensive; however this was deeply unpopular with both the Soviet and the Russian people. Figes sees this as, â€Å"waving a red rag in front of the soviet bull,†[14] In response the Soviet called upon the people of warring countries to force their governments to negotiate peace and in doing so condemned Milyukov’s pledge. It is clear that the PG underestimated how much the Russian people, and soldiers wanted peace. As Mosley wrote, â€Å"not fully aware then of the widespread unwillingness of the Russian people to continue the war. [15] The Milyukov note is a key example of the outside pressure that helped in the collapse of the PG and it emphasises how even a policy that seemed effective in March had backfired due to poor decisions made by key members in the body. This incident put the PG in a bad light and it was only to get worse. Another initial policy that affected the PG badly was the problem involving small ne ighbouring countries to the USSR and their desire for independence. Initially the PG had overlooked these demands, however as the demands grew the PG was forced to make a decision. They made a quick decision as they felt that this issue would not affect anybody within the party or population. They gave these countries independence, however in doing so sparked unrest within the party. Many of the Kadets’ including Milyukov were very unhappy that these countries (Ukraine especially) had been granted independence, and as a result they left the PG. With the loss of Milyukov, Kerensky was appointed minister of war and Paves sees this as: â€Å"gravity shifting very predominantly to the left. [16] This resulted in the PG losing their impact on the population; it also cost them a lot of members and support and signalled another step towards their destruction. As the weeks went by the PG was failing to answer the peasant’s demands for the distribution of land. This meant that the PG was losing support as the peasants’ opinion of them became increasingly bad. Kowalski argues this: â€Å"The problem was that the peasant restraint was not rewarded. The PG with the support of the soviet procrastinated on the land question. [17] Iganev, a leader of a popular socialist party said: â€Å"We are always being told, ‘later, later, not now, not until the Constituent Assembly’†¦ however the land question must be resolved now! †[18] This is a clear example of the pressure put on the PG. This view is supported by many historians such as Richard Pipes and over the years an Intentionalist School has been developed. They believe that it was the outside pressure put upon the PG that cost them, arguing that it was revolutionary leaders such as Lenin that led to the popularity of the PG diminishing whilst the popularity of other revolutionary groups grew. Another example of the outside pressure put upon the PG is the political transformation of the Petrograd Soviet. They had transformed from (in March) being an institution supporting parliamentary democracy into instruments for revolutionary socialism, and there are consequences of this. According to Mosley there are two main reasons for this transformation: Primarily the Soviet’s were annoyed because the PG postponed for future determination by the Constituent Assembly the solution of such pressing problems. The second reason is largely a consequence of the first as there were growing opinions of the workers and peasant against the PG because they had failed to meet any of their demands, and conditions in Russia had not improved. This meant that the soviets felt they had to branch themselves away from the failing PG to keep their reputation intact. The Bolsheviks also used this to their advantage as when they saw this poor reputation of the PG and their lack of support the Bolsheviks took a radical move to wipe the PG out completely. The Bolsheviks saw this opportunity: â€Å"At the Russian conference of the Bolshevik workers party on March 29, there was only one speaker who opposed the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks and establishment of a proletariat dictatorship. And he was rules out of order. †[19] This emphasises how from very early on in the PG’s reign people were looking to overthrow it and using Lenin’s intelligence they found a perfect opportunity. Using Propaganda they adopted a new party slogan of: â€Å"all power to the soviets. In doing so the Bolsheviks felt that they could rise to power through the Petrograd Soviet and then disband it when they got to a dominant position within the party. As a result of this the PG were left with very little support. As opposition to the PG grew there was one key incident that sparked the Bolshevik engine and this was the return of Lenin on the 3rd April 1917. Previously to this Lenin had been in exile and had not been able to ignite Bolshe vik movement. When he returned the Bolshevik workers parties were already willing to overthrow the PG but simply did not have the means to do so, and that is what Lenin brought to the table. Lenin’s initial opinion was that he welcomed the revolution but saw it as only being in its first stage, the April thesis was Lenin’s radical program to introduce the second phase. The April thesis was announced almost immediately after Lenin’s return on the 16th April and it promised the population of Russia exactly what they wanted, which put the PG in a very bad light. The thesis included: No support to the PG; an immediate end to the war; arming the workers to defend the revolution; the introduction of a worldwide socialist revolution; and most importantly it promised, â€Å"Land, peace and bread. [20] That was all the things that the PG had been to scared to do, as they waited for a Constituent Assembly. The July days followed the PG’s summer offensive and were another key reason for the PG’s downfall. On 3rd July there were military uprisings against the army’s poor attempt at an offensive against the Germans on the western front. Ther e were 400,000 casualties and this failure played into the hands of the Bolsheviks and made the PG look very bad for initiating the offensive. On the 4th July 20,000 sailors embarked on the city from Kronstadt naval base. As the PG was to blame all the protestors wanted the soviet to take power. However when the soviet refused to do so they crowds were not sure what to do, and were restricted by the 176 regiment who were used to protect the government. This emphasises the opinions towards the PG and is another example of a poor decision made by them which pushed them closer to being overthrown. However the July days also had a knock on effect on the Bolsheviks, because it was not uccessful in overthrowing the PG people wanted someone to blame and that person was Lenin. However some historians such as Figes argue that Lenin did not actually have any role in organising the uprising. [21] The Kornilov affair was another example of outside pressure which resulted in a large loss of support for the PG and gave the Bolsheviks a more convincing role in the country as they gained support and spread the word of another revolution. By the end of August Kerensky felt that the only course open to him was to restore law and order in the cities and to boost moral and discipline within the army. In doing so he hoped he could put pressure back on the Bolsheviks and potentially deal with any threat that they were to present. Kerensky appointed General Kornilov as new supreme commander of the Russian forces to try and boost moral. However General Kornilov had other ideas that emphasise his poor political mind and it rubbed off very badly on the PG and Kerensky. Kornilov felt that in his new position he could rally soldiers and he saw this as an opportunity to crush the radical socialists and restore military order through counter revolution. However Kerensky realised this and had to call for help from both the Petrograd Soviet and Bolsheviks which reinforced the public’s suspicions that they could not effectively govern Russia. Conclusion: There is a lot of evidence that supports both arguments: that the PG was doomed from the beginning and that it was outside pressure that resulted in their collapse in October 1917. There are also various historians who support these arguments. Evidence suggesting that the PG was doomed from the beginning is supported by famous historians such as Orlando Figes and Beryll Williams who agree with the Structuralist School. Important factors such as the immediate demands from peasants and workers were too strong for the PG to handle appropriately and they made a grave mistake in ignoring them. â€Å"The problem was that the peasant’s restraint was not rewarded. The PG procrastinated over the land question. †[22] This was also the case when they tried to deal with the national minorities demands and this to had severe consequences resulting in a great loss of support and members. On the contrary however there is lots of evidence that supports the counter argument, stating that the PG collapsed under outside pressure put on them throughout their rule. Issues such as the War and Bolshevik movement made the situation even harder and it became too much pressure for the PG to cope with. Also the increasing demands from peasants and workers after the PGs initial ignorance became much stronger and became a real problem for them which they failed to cope with. After looking in detail at both responses it is clear that the PG inherited problems however it was their inability to deal with these problems that immediately put them under a lot of pressure and made it much more difficult for them to consolidate power. This initial hesitance tied the PGs hands behind their back and because the internal problems had not been dealt with by April they had no chance against the external threat from the Bolsheviks who were bent on their destruction. It can also be argued that the PG although being seen as the rulers of Russia did not actually do anything to meet any of the peasants of workers demands and did nothing to increase the standards of Russia at all. As Bernard Paves wrote: â€Å"The PG, although acknowledged as such for eight months cannot be said to actually have ruled Russia. [23] Bibliography †¢ Bernard Paves – A History of Russia (published 1947 in London) †¢ John Bradley – The Russian Revolution (published 1988 in London) †¢ Beryl Williams – Lenin, Profiles in Power (published 2000 in London) †¢ Robert Service – Stalin, a Bibliography (published2004 in London) †¢ Richard Pipes – Russia Under the Old Regime (published1974 in Grea t Britain) †¢ Leon Troski – Stalin (published 1947 in London) †¢ Orlando Figes – A Peoples Tragedy (published 1996 in London) †¢ Orlando Figes – The Whisperers (published in London) Chris Ward – Stalin’s Russia (first published 1993, second edition 1999 in London) †¢ Chris Corin, Terry Feihn – Communist Russia Under Lenin and Stalin (Published 2002 in London) †¢ Tamara Pimlott – The Russian Revolution (first published 1985 in London) †¢ Caroline Kennedy – Russia and the World (first published 1998 in Great Britain) †¢ Philip. E. Mosley – www. emayzine. com/lectures/russianrev †¢ https://mars. wnec. edu/~grempel/courses/wc2/lectures/rev1917 †¢ Beryl Williams – new perspective Volume 1. Number 2. (December 1995) †¢ En. wikipedia. org/wiki/russian_Provisional_Govt Annotated Bibliography Bernard Paves – A History of Russia (published 1947 in London): This book was useful as it gave me an insightful view of this period in history and gave me an in depth structuralist opinion. John Bradley – The Russian Revolution (published 1988 in London): This book was useful as it gave me a greater understanding of some of the different opinions that surround this topic. Beryl Williams – Lenin, Profiles in Power (published 2000 in London): This was useful as it gave me a wider conception of Lenin’s involvement in the destruction of the Provisional Government. Robert Service – Stalin, a Bibliography (published 2004 in London): This book provided me with an array of quotes and deepened my understanding of the Provisional Governments policies and mistakes. Richard Pipes – Russia Under the Old Regime (published 1974 in Great Britain): Gave me an insight to the Bolshevik policies that lead up to the Provisional Governments downfall. Leon Troski – Stalin (published 1947 in London): This book was very interesting and gave me a look at the lead up to Stalin’s reign which was the downfall of the Provisional Government. Orlando Figes – A Peoples Tragedy (published 1996 in London): Was very interesting and gave the views of the population of Russia along with the policies and thoughts of the leading bodies in Russia. Orlando Figes – The Whisperers (published in London): This book gave me more back ground knowledge about the topic and helped me understand some of the reasons behind the revolutions of 1917. Chris Ward – Stalin’s Russia (first published 1993, second edition 1999 in London): This book was helpful because it gave me a lot of statistics and views that emphasised some of the main points throughout the Provisional Governments reign. Chris Corin, Terry Feihn – Communist Russia Under Lenin and Stalin (Published 2002 in London): Gave in more detail some of the main points behind Lenin’s campaign and how he managed to overthrow the Provisional Government. Also was helpful in other parts of the course. Tamara Pimlott – The Russian Revolution (first published 1985 in London): Was helpful in giving me quotes and facts throughout the middle months of the Provisional Governments reign, things such as the July days and onwards to October. Caroline Kennedy – Russia and the World (first published 1998 in Great Britain): Some information about the day the Bolsheviks seized power from the Provisional Government at the Tauride Palace. Philip. E. Mosley – www. emayzine. com/lectures/russianrev: This book was useful as it gave me information about the members of all the parties and some of the internal problems the Provisional Government faced. https://mars. wnec. edu/~grempel/courses/wc2/lectures/rev1917: Gave me an overview of the topic and helped me understand the bases of the Provisional Government leadership. Beryl Williams – new perspective Volume 1. Number 2. (December 1995): This article was useful as it provides some quotes and helped me understand the role of Kerensky better. En. wikipedia. org/wiki/russian_Provisional_Govt: Gave me an overview of the year and put all the events into context whilst giving some opinions of popular historians. ———————– [1] A time from March to April where the Provisional Government could have satisfied the people and had they done so would have been able to consolidate their power however they failed to do so. 2] Slogan used by Lenin to rile up the people of Russia and undermine the Provisional Government prior to overthrowing them. [3] John Bradley, The Russian Revolution, London (1988) p56 [4] Robert Service, Stalin, a bibliography, London (2004) p129 [5] Phillip. E. Mosley www. emayzine. com/lectures/russiarev [6] Orlando Figes, A Peoples Tragedy, London (1996) [7] Richard Pipes, The Rus sian Revolution, New York (1990) [8] Bernard Paves, A History of Russian, London (1947) p531 [9] Mosley www. emayzine. om/lectures/russiarev [10] Mosley, www. emayzine. com/lectures/russiarev [11] Beryl Williams, Lenin, profiles in power , London (2000) p63 [12] Robert Darby agrees with the Structuralist School. Argues it was the ignorance of Provisional Government that resulted in their failure. [13] Williams, Lenin, profiles in power, p 63 [14] Figes, A people tragedy [15] Mosley, www. emayzine. com/lectures/russianrev [16] Paves, A History of Russia, p 533 [17] Kowalski, Russian Revolution 1917-1921, p 133 18] Kowalski, Russian Revolution 1917-1921, p 134 [19] Mosley, www. emayzine. com/lectures/russianrev [20] Quote from Lenin’s April thesis emphasises how Lenin gave them exactly what they wanted. [21] Figes, A Peoples Tragedy [22] Kowalski Russian Revolution 1917-1921, p 133 [23] Paves A History of Russia, p 532 ———————â⠂¬â€œ Word count: 350 Word count: 403 Word count: 478 Word count: 260 Word count: 439 Word count: 167 Word count: 431 Word count: 434 Word Count: 442 Word count: 222 Word count: 373

Monday, July 29, 2019

Providing quality care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Providing quality care - Essay Example While traditionally the concept of quality nursing care was defined by the policies, the facilities and the credentials associated with the nurses, this definition has been expanded in the modern times to incorporate the concepts of exploration, improvement of the processes and patient safety, as well as the evaluation of the whole outcome of all these components (Batalden & Davidoff, 2007: 2). In this regard, the concept of quality nursing care refers to the holistic evaluation of the nursing practice, starting from the time the nurse comes into contact with the patient, to the point where the individual is discharged from the health facility, and all the health practices that are involved therein (Institute of Medicine, 2001: 47). Therefore simply put, quality nursing care is the overarching umbrella under which the patient safety resides, and thus the concept of patient safety is indistinguishable from the concept of quality nursing care, since it is through quality nursing care that the safety of the patient is upheld (Russell et al. 2010: 49). Thus, this discussion seeks to analyse the concept of quality nursing care in pain management nursing practice, with a view to establishing how the quality agenda informs this practice. Pain management is an area of nursing practice that has consistently proved to present multifaceted challenges to the nursing practitioners, considering that at some point in life, everyone experiences pain in its diverse forms. Pain has been classified as either acute or chronic, where the acute pain subsides as the process of healing continues, while the chronic pain is persistent (Jensen et al., 2003: 72). The multifaceted challenges faced by the nursing practitioners under the pain management practice emanate from the fact that pain must not always be physiological, but may also entail some components of psychological, spiritual or emotional dimensions (Jones, 2006: 42). Nevertheless, in all these dimensions,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Capitalism and Socialism Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Capitalism and Socialism - Term Paper Example Petras (2004) says that the debate between socialism and capitalism is still pressing and he even claims that the battle of ideas has begun to intensify. Petras (2004) continues that the social indicator show that the real capitalism is considerable worse than the full employment and steady employment rates that existed during the socialist period. Another author Bala (2009) argues that critics of capitalism describe it as unfair and distribution of wealth and power. Capitalist economic system has the tendency to create market monopoly or oligopoly. Bala (2009) observes that capitalism can also lead to imperialism, various forms of economic and cultural exploitation. An example of this kind of exploitation is the outsourcing business. U.S companies have discovered that Indian engineers for example can handle the production as professionally as any U.S specialist, however price twice as lower. Thus, many corporations outsourced their business to India and Chine in an attempt to cut co sts. Critics of capitalism argue that the imperialism which is associated with this system can also establish social alienation and inequality. Bala (2009) quotes such statements expressed by many socialists as irrational, because the economy has no direction and is unplanned, consequently it can create internal contradictions and inconsistencies. Over the last 20 years the countries from the former Soviet Block in Eastern Europe are trying to transit from socialism to capitalism. All basic industries from energy, mining, communication, trade to infrastructure have been taken over by private corporations. However, this transition and privatization do not seem to reflect the capitalist ideas and many countries from Eastern Europe are not swept by massive unemployment, gang groups, uncontrollable migration waves, relative economic instability, money laundring and illegal transfers. Bala (2009) poses that socialism is mainly criticized, because it is incompatible with civil liberties and it political model is not efficient with the general social, human performances. Friedrich Hayek (cited by Bala 2009) argues that a socialist economy can not adequately communicate the information about the productive quotas due in most cases to shortage in price mechanism. Furthermore Hayek (cited by Bala 2009) debates that the social control over the distribution allotment of wealth and private property preached by socialists can not be accomplished without a considerable reduction in prosperity and loss of economic and political freedom. This statement is proved by the Soviet Union socialist satellite countries which after the fall of the regime seem to have been lost in their attempts to revive their economies. Another negative aspect of the socialism is that it creates authoritarian regimes. All sectors of the economy are operated by the one personality usually the head of the state. The supporters from each of the commented economic systems argues that life is more satisfactory under their preferred system. Vivier (2003) says that capitalists refuse to agree that imposing capitalists values and economic doctrines on the "Third World" countries, only made their economic status worse. It increased their misery and poverty and the labor force was directly pushed into the hands of Western industrial capitalists. The capitalists values

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Marketing Assignment 2 BENG Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marketing Assignment 2 BENG - Essay Example does it offer sufficient growth rate to warrant investment, and how strong the company vis-Ã  -vis its competitors in the industry i.e. how much market share it command in the industry. Estelami2 stated that BCG matrix can also be employed under product elimination decisions (55-56). Thus using this model, the company can plot all of the its businesses or products in the matrix and identify the best strategies for businesses (product) in various categories. Thus, the model gives clear guidance to a company as to how it should go about its investment decisions. The concept of product life cycle is based on the concept of human life cycle. According to Kotler & Keller (2007)3 products passes through various stages of their lives. At each stage the position of the product in the market is different and thus it have to respond accordingly. To help that marketers can use various strategies suggested for the various stages. Drive Thru – This is in the growth stage marked by recent surge in the number of drive thrus that are witnessed. There life cycle will stretched, given the busy life styles; people would love to have them. Cart and Kiosks - It have been the earliest form of coffee shops, though earlier mostly managed by unorganized nondescript market players. Then the sophisticated organized players taked it up and have introducing a lot of innovative features in to it. So I would say the organized players resuscitated this product form. Currently the product will in maturity stage given the kind of competition we see. Growth stage - Marked by the entry of competition, the stage witness a segmented approach to marketing and separate marketing mix to various segments. The firm may go for skimming by lowering the price; the product will have new features and improved versions; the advertising would shift from product awareness to preference building. Maturity Stage – This stage witness heavy price discounts and trade promotion.

China Superpower Status Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

China Superpower Status - Essay Example As identified, the factors that were considered in ranking these economies are: â€Å"institutions, infrastructure, macroeconomic stability, health and primary education, higher education and training, goods market efficiency, labor market efficiency, financial market sophistication, technological readiness, market size, business sophistication, and innovation† (Ali, 2010, par. 2). In an article written by Miller (2006) in an attempt to assess China as an emerging superpower, the author initially proffered the need to determine the crucial elements that define a country being classified as a ‘superpower’, to wit: â€Å"a â€Å"superpower† is a country that has the capacity to project dominating power and influence anywhere in the world, and sometimes, in more than one region of the globe at a time, and so may plausibly attain the status of global hegemon† (Miller, 2006, par. 4). ... nents that were deemed critical to categorize a country as generating the status of a superpower were pinpointed as â€Å"measured along four axes of power: military, economic, political, and cultural† (Miller, 2006, par. 5). In this regard, the essay aims to identify the reasons for China’s ascent to super power status using the components above mentioned. Reasons for China’s Ascent to Superpower Status Consistent with Miller’s (2006) contentions that identified the crucial components for superpower status, the study written by Xuetong (2006) likewise supported that the same elements, eminent strength in military power, political and economic power have paved the way for China’s ascent. Xuetong’s (2006) assessment indicated that with data compiled in 2003, from among seven states, France, Britain, Russia, Japan, Germany, and India, China emerged as the sole country with strong power status on the three identified components (pp. 20 – 21). France, Britain and Russia manifest strong military and political powers, but weak economic power. 1. Economic Power The tremendous growth in China’s economy spurred by the expansion in manufacturing of diverse products at practically the lowest labor cost from among international economies have paved the way for its ascendance to strong economic power status. The statistics reveal the China’s GDP ranks second from among the countries in the world. As noted by Miller (2006), â€Å"China’s rise further depends critically on the continuation of such growth rates, and there are reasons to wonder how long the spectacular rates of the past 25 years can continue. The high proportion of China’s economy occupied by its exports makes it sensitive to the ups and downs of the international economy generally and to the engine of

Friday, July 26, 2019

Gender Performativity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Gender Performativity - Research Paper Example continually tend to stylize the body with certain appearance, as in the first chapter of â€Å"Gender Trouble† Butler says, â€Å"Gender is the repeated stylization of the body, a set of repeated acts within a highly rigid regulatory frame that congeal over time to produce the appearance of substance, of a natural sort of being† (43). Butler suggests that the deconstruction of gender from a political-genealogical perspective will necessarily reveal it as more of a social appearance of gender than of a natural attribute to sexual dichotomy, as she says, A political genealogy of gender ontologies, if it is successful, will deconstruct the substantive appearance of gender into its constitutive acts and locate and account for those acts within the compulsory frames set by the various forces that police the social appearance of gender. (44) Butler’s Gender Performativity is rigid in the sense that it does not allow one to choose any particular gender to act upon. Her concept of Performativity is a process of constructing gender through repeated actions that a society assigns to a human being of particular sex. Indeed this process is â€Å"a set of repeated acts within a highly rigid regulatory frame† (43). Obviously the reiteration of the gendered activities occurs â€Å"within a highly rigid regulatory frame† that the society sets for its members. In this regulatory frame of the society, â€Å"the script† of performance allow the members to assumes a constrained and predefined role assigned to a particular sex and he or she â€Å"has a limited number of â€Å"costumes† from which to make a constrained choice of gender style† (Salih 56). Again elaborating the process of developing gender through the reiterated action, Butler says that â€Å"gender proves to be performance†” that is, constituting the identity it is purported to be. In this sense, gender is always a doing, though not a doing by a subject who might be said to pre-exist the deed.† (33) This constitution of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

A Critical Evaluation of Central Government Urban Regeneration Term Paper

A Critical Evaluation of Central Government Urban Regeneration Policies since the 1980s in Docklands, London - Term Paper Example Moreover, some parts of Docklands were experiencing severe dereliction, and this only acted to discourage investors into the area, owing to the ensuing high and uncertain development costs (Brownill 1999). Even then, a lot of development sites lacked the proper infrastructure for accessibility, and this further curtailed on development. Owing to the absence of proper linkage strategies between Docklands, the larger part of London, as well as the entire country and the world as a whole, this only served to decrease the investment returns of employers, by leading to added costs (Brownill 1990). The market too failed to provide the necessary amenities, environment, and infrastructure that Docklands so much needed, if at all it was going to attract an investor, while also casting off its hitherto diminished image. Ultimately, some hidden gaps were later to emerge, and these were discovered to have been a hindrance towards a positive market operation. A case in point was the lack of a private house developer in the area for a long time. This then acted to discourage would-be house developers, as they lacked a benchmark to gauge their chances of recouping their investments, should they venture into the housing business. During this period of the 1980s, Docklands charged the...s for commercial rent (less than 5 pounds for every square foot of office space), when compared to other parts of the London city, such as the west end (around 12 pounds per square foot of office space) (Brownill 1990).This was despite the fact that Docklands had limited office space. At around 1981, the railway network in Dockland was both slow and inconveniencing, for travelers and transporters alike, who commuted between the town and the other parts of London.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Utopia in leadership and education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Utopia in leadership and education - Essay Example We have all heard of words like quixotic, idealistic, imaginative etc. and Utopia refers to all such words. Utopia therefore is about an imaginary, ideal civilization or sciety. It could exist as a city or even a world. Generally such a Utopia is more of a figment of imagination and does not really exist but it is something that is desired and may be regarded as possible in the future. So utopianism is about human efforts to create a better or perhaps perfect society. Fater on Philosophers like Plato and Aristotle also dwelled on the idea of Utopia and Utopianism. Plato gave his own idea of Plato's Republic, a perfect version of The Republic where ideals like equality prevail and perils like poverty and misery fail to exist. However, later certain elements in civilised societies like United States and Europe also worked to make religious and political Utopian scieties. Today the Utopia is something that ideally most people would like to see but hard to find in the real world.Organiza tion can be seen as an attempt to create Utopia. As the word suggest, organization means a society, business or group working set up to achieve certain goals in an ordered and structured fashion. Most organizations in today's world also aspire to achieve perfect work environment so that all members of society including the organization can reap benefits. In order to establish a utopian or a perfect organization the role of leadership becomes critical. The leadership qualities can play an important part in a perfect view of the firm. The leaders need to have certain qualities in order to nurture a perfect organization. Leadership breeds leadership: The task for the leadership is generally to provide its employees overall direction in order to effectively tap their true potential. In the absence of a proper direction the organizational culture may become counter productive. Providing direction in any way does not mean that managers can stifle the creativity and drive of their employees rather effective leadership allows others to inculcate in themselves superior leadership qualities and understanding of the organization and management process so that they them self can figure out the directions and actions which are needed to establish and flourish a Utopian organization. "The prime advantages of building leadership talent, besides eliminating the disadvantages of going outside, are twofold. First, the organization gets to groom the next generation in line with its culture and strategic agenda. Second, the organization has greater control over the supply of leaders with the requisite skills, making strategic implementation faster" (Pernick, 2001). Character & Integrity: These two factors spring to mind when a role of leader is defined in a Utopian or Non-Utopian organization. Especially when we talk about Utopian organizations that strive for excellence then their leaders should command excellence. In order to accomplish excellence a leader must first be a person of good character. Many thinkers and proponents of Utopianism argue that much of a person's character is formed early in life and that also brings the role of education which will be discussed later in the paper. A person with strong character shows drive, vigor, strength of mind, self-control, resolve, and courage, the traits essential for effective leadership. Dreamers & Visionaries: A leader of a Utopian organization needs to be a dreamer and an idealist. There are many worldly examples where our famous leaders have dreamt

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Law of Torts, Product and Service Liability Law Assignment

The Law of Torts, Product and Service Liability Law - Assignment Example Against this background, this essay seeks to critically analyse the cases of Haimes v Temple University Hospital [1981] and the Vandevender v Sheetz, INC [1998]. Based on the law of torts and product and service liability laws, the essay seeks to compare and contrast the facts, law, and merits of the two lawsuits. The paper will also evaluate aspects related to the facts, issues, judgment, as well as ethical issue related to the two cases. A summary of the main points discussed will be given at the end of the essay. In the case of Haimes v. Temple University Hospital [1981] it can be noted that much of the plaintiff's testimony concerned her psychic activities and her inability to practice these activities following the CT scan. To read an aura, according to plaintiff, it is necessary to go into an altered state, a state of deep concentration. She complains that her psychic activities have been negatively impacted and she can no longer perform the tasks she used to do. It can be seen that this affected the occupation of the plaintiff and this is the reason why she got a favourable judgement. The jury gave the verdict in the amount of $600Â  000 which included Dr. Haimes loss of a consortium. In view of the Pennsylvania Rule of Civil Procedure 238, the verdict was molded to include delay damages of $386,465.75 and this brought the total award to $986,465.75. However, the motion for a new trial of the hospital and the doctor was granted given that the verdict was considered as grossly excessive as to shock the court’s sense of justice. In the case of Vandevender v Sheetz, INC [1997], the employee sustained a back injury at work and she was not permitted to return to work by the employer as a result of specific restrictions. She then appealed and punitive damages were awarded as a result of the unlawful termination of her employment. However, the punitive damages were found to be excessive since they did not corroborate with the actual harm as well as term ination of employment suffered by the plaintiff. A closer analysis of the case shows that the appellee was treated badly by the appellant, and that the appellant should have to pay her a fair amount of damages. In this case, the appelle was awarded $ 293,866.00 in compensatory and noneconomic damages for missing essentially four weeks of work as well as other related ill-treatment she received. However, an award of $ 2,232,740 is considered as too much. From the above cases, it can be noted that in order to prove the existence of day care duty, some conditions should prevail where a defendant can be taken to court if this duty is breached. Thus, the case of Capiro Industries vs. Dickman (1990), suggests that the following conditions should prevail in order for the plaintiff to win the case and these include: foreseeability, proximity as well as reasonability. Terry & Giugni (2009) concurs with this notion when he says that the following elements should be proved by the plaintiff in order to be successful in winning the claim. There is need to show that the defendant owed the plaintiff a duty of care, this duty has been breached by falling below expected standards, the defendant’s conduct caused the plaintiff to suffer physical or economic harm (causation) and the injury suffered was remote or foreseeable. However, it is not always easy to prove that the

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Odyssey Essay Example for Free

The Odyssey Essay Hunger, whether a literal hunger or a hunger for power has always been a downfall for humankind. In the Odyssey hunger destroys the lives of many men. Even though the Odyssey is just an epic it reflects in many ways how hunger can ruin and sometimes even destroy someone’s life. In history, hunger has shown itself in many different and unique ways. For example Hitler’s hunger for power destroyed millions of lives. It forced millions of people to move their homes and change their lives or to even lose their lives. Hunger has caused people and even entire nations to be decimated. If people could control there hunger the world and its people would be a safer and happier place. In this epic hunger rules all. In the Odyssey Odysseus shows several types of hunger. One that stands out above others is Odysseus hunger for knowledge. Odysseus is always on a quest for knowledge. To him knowledge is more powerful than anything else. No other weapon can stand up to knowledge. This has put Odysseus and even his crew in much danger and trouble in â€Å"The Odyssey†. Odysseus shows his hunger for knowledge in the â€Å"Lotus Eaters† when he sends his men to scout the land when they get to the land of the Lotus Eaters. If he would have never done that he would not have lost two of his men to the mind numbing effects of the Lotus plans. One of Odysseus’s other crazy acts to learn knowledge was in the â€Å"Cyclops†. In the epic Odysseus led himself and his men into a Cyclops cave. This caused several of his men to be eaten by the Cyclops. Many of Odysseus’s men have died because of his hunger for knowledge. Odysseus shows his hunger again when he ventures into the land of the dead! The man is so crazy to even try to go to the Underworld. Odysseus lives for wisdom and something that shows knowledge is everything to him is that the Goddess f Wisdom, Athena has taken Odysseus under her protection. But even with Athena as his protector Odysseus will face many troubles because of his hunger. Many of his men will suffer for his many mistakes. Odysseus also has a hunger for self glorification. He is always trying to make himself be in the spotlight. Odysseus tries to make himself a figure of the perfect hero that everybody should bow down to. An example of this is in the beginning of the story that Odysseus is so self-glorified is he even tempts Poseidon by saying that he does not need the gods and that he only needs himself. If Odysseus never did this he would have gotten home without having to make the long journey which is told in â€Å"The Odyssey†. But since Odysseus thinks he does not need the gods it forced him to face many dangers and to lose his crew. His wife has been forced to wait several years because of Odysseus’s insolence. Another example is when Odysseus goes back to Ithaca disguised as a beggar he tells his swineherd that he has seen â€Å"Odysseus† and that Odysseus is strong, perfect, and amazing. He is always trying to make himself seem like the most amazing person. Odysseus is a lustful man. He is a man that is not faithful to his wife. But if his wife would so much as dare think about another man it would be the end of the world. In Odysseus’s mind everything is about Odysseus. In the story Odysseus first becomes unfaithful with Circe and then later with Calypso. He is the perfect example of someone that says one thing and does another (a hypocrite). But because of his lust many problems have been unearthed and left unchecked for many years in the Odyssey. It has caused that his wife Penelope has to wait several extra years for Odysseus. It has also brought the problem of the suitors upon Ithaca. The reason being is that if Odysseus would have arrived home earlier the suitors would not have tried to make a move on Odysseus’s throne. Odysseus also has a hunger for power. He always wants to be the leader. He wants to be the person that everyone is looking up to. This caused him to go through great grief and sorrow many times throughout the Odyssey. The first of these incidents was when the Cyclops took away several of his men and ate and killed them. Also when Scylla and Charybdis took away more of his men Odysseus felt responsible for their deaths and went through a depression like state. In the â€Å"Lotus Eaters† Odysseus lost some his men to the Lotus plant. This hurt him as well. But the one that affected him the most was when Zeus cast his lightning at their ship and killed everyone except Odysseus himself. Odysseus is not the only one with a hunger for knowledge in this story. His crew also has the same hunger. They have taken after Odysseus in many ways but this one above all has shown itself. There are several examples showing where there hunger has gotten them into trouble or placed into the face of danger. One time above all where this has affected them was when the crew opened the bag of winds that Odysseus would not let them open. This caused the ship to come into view of Ithaca but then be pushed far out to sea away from their home and ultimately to their own deaths. The crew always wants to know what’s going on. If they come across a new land they automatically want to explore it. An example of this is in the â€Å"Lotus Eaters†. The crew wanted to know about this new land and because of this curiosity they lost two men. The crew also has a great hunger for the taste of food and drink. They indulge themselves whenever they can. One example of this is in Circes hall. The crew ate her food and drank her wine which ultimately had them turned into pigs. If they had never taken the food right away and had thought about their situation they would have never been turned into pigs. But the men’s hunger for drink and food overpowered their other thoughts. The crews mind is always on the thoughts of food and drink. If food and drink weren’t in the world the crew would no longer love life as they do. They are always indulging themselves. Another instance of where the crews hunger for food overpowers all other thoughts is on the island of Helios, The Sun God. The crew was shipwrecked on this island with no food or water but there are a lot of cattle there so the crew wonders why. Odysseus specifically tells them they can’t eat the cattle, but Odysseus makes the mistake of not telling the crew why they cannot eat the cattle. The crew not knowing why they cannot eat the cattle and dying from starvation takes a chance by eating the cattle. They believed they would rather die by drowning then by starvation. This angers the Sun God Helios. Helios makes Zeus kill every one of the crew except Odysseus. The suitors also have a great hunger for many things. They have a hunger for Odysseus wealth and all his lands. They want to be the king of the land. They want to be the ones in control the ones with the power. They want this so bad that they try to take his wife. This hunger did them no good when Odysseus returned home to find them eating his food and drinking his wine. This brought the wrath of Odysseus down upon them all. This led to the suitors deaths. But that wasn’t the own thing that brought Odysseus’s wrath. The suitors want to be king of Ithaca. The reason being is because Ithaca is a wealthy and powerful nation. They want to have all the power and all the wealth. These men let their or hunger for power rules their lives. Since they let this hunger rule their deaths came a lot earlier than it would have if they wouldn’t have let that same hunger rule. The thing that angered Odysseus the most was that they were trying to take Odysseus’s wife Penelope as their own. This angered Odysseus so much that he killed them all for the men’s insolence. If the men would have just stayed in their own land they would have never faced their own demise and would have lived to be old and happy. But the suitor’s greed drove the men to their own demise. The suitors are another perfect example of mans greed. Man is a species that always wants more. Nothing can ever stop man from wanting. â€Å"The Odyssey† shows perfectly how hunger in a man or in several men can ruin someone’s life. In The Odyssey a man and his crews hunger ruin the lives of themselves and many others. It forces the men to go on a journey that could have been easily avoided. This hunger causes their own lives and the lives they meet to experience the men’s hunger. These men are a perfect example of the hunger men can have in the real world. Even though Odyssey is just an epic it shows perfectly how hunger can destroy someone’s life. Hunger, whether a literal hunger or a hunger for power has always and will always rule people’s thoughts. If you don’t control your hunger it will destroy you and everything you love.

Ethnic Diversity in the Uk Essay Example for Free

Ethnic Diversity in the Uk Essay Immigration, annexation, and colonialism are processes that may create subordinate groups. Other processes such as extermination and expulsion may remove the presence of a subordinate group. Significant for racial and ethnic oppression in the United States today is the distinction between assimilation and pluralism. Assimilation demands subordinate-group conformity to the dominant group, and pluralism implies mutual respect among diverse groups. The definition of ethnicity people value differently for each of the primary and secondary factors Primary whether it be Race, Nationality, Language, Religion, Perceived Ethnic Identity. Secondary whether it be Social status, residential concentrations, age, gender and caste. The processes which create and maintain ethnic diversity are such as Colonisation, annexation and international migration showing the role of those processes that create ethnic diversity in one country. The problems that come with the processes is ethnic diversity whether it be Segregation, pluralism, multiculturalism and discrimination that also shows the economic, social and spatial outcomes of ethnic diversity’ showing the role of these processes and their outcomes for one ethnically diverse city. The problem with Britain is that has been colonised over the centuries by various groups from Romans (introducing the catholic religion as a new ethnicity) the introduction of one of the first colonial powers to rule the British empire. The British isles came together as a political unit through annexation over a number of centuries culminating in Ireland. First wave of Immigrants was in the mid nineteenth century when thousands of Irish fled the potato famine and came to cities with major ports e. g. Liverpool in aid of work and living this is classified as international migration. Most significant increase in ethnic diversity in Britain started in the 1950s. During two world wars hundreds of thousands of men from across the empire had fought for Britain. India alone provided 1. 3 million soldiers. During these years many remained in Britain, forming small ethnic communities in ports this was due to India being a colonial country under British rule. A Number of Jewish immigrants also fled to Britain from the nazi oppression in Europe. At the end of the WWII there work shortages throughout Europe and Britain. 157,000 polish immigrants arrived in Britain in search of work. Shortly after where joined by the Italians but there was still a labour shortage and eventually workers were recruited from the colonies this is all international migration due to it being an economical climate issue. 22nd June 1948, the empire wind rush brought the first of many West Indians to live and work in Britain during the 1950s. In 1956, London transport was struggling to find workers so advertised in Barbados, Trinidad and Jamaica for bus drivers and conductors. More and more immigrants flocked to Britain throughout the years from Barbadians, West Indians in 1958 and in the 1960s they were joined by immigrants from Indian sub continent which had become India, west and east Pakistan, following independence from Britain. The new immigrants were different to the rest as instead of flocking to the port areas they moved to the London area filling low paid, unskilled jobs in factories and the service sector. Car engineering in car manufacturers in the West Midlands were another focus. They frequently established clusters or neighbourhoods in the poorest areas in the inner cities Toxteth in Liverpool, Brixton and Bethnal Green in London. In most cases the new immigrants eventually established their own places of worship and other ethnic services. These new immigrants were not welcomed easily into British society and there were protests at their arrival. The government reacted by amending the British nationality Act to make it more difficult for non white immigrants to bring their family members with them. In spit of this, the numbers of non-white residents continued to grow and by 1970 they numbered 1. 5 million, one third of these were children born in Britain. Racial prejudice was quite widespread and there were racially motivated riots in the 1980s. Riots were started by claims that ethnic minorities, especially black male youths, were being targeted by the police. These minorities are being represented by racial unequal treatment. The amount of ethnics taking and filling British jobs is causing ethnic conflict between white Caucasian. conflict sociologists see the social world as being in continual struggle. The conflict perspective assumes that the social structure is best understood in terms of conflict or tension between the competing groups within Britain. The result of this conflict is significant economic disparity and structural inequality in education, the labor market, housing, and healthcare delivery. Specifically, society is a struggle between the privileged (the dominant group) and the exploited (the subordinate groups). Such conflicts need not be physically violent and may take the form of immigration restrictions, real estate practices, or disputes over cuts in the federal budget.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Sheila birling in an inspector calls

Sheila birling in an inspector calls An Inspector Calls is a play set in Spring 1912, just before the First World War, but written by J.B. Priestley just after the Second World War. In this time Britain had a capitalist ideal. Basically if you were well-off that was great, but the vast majority of people were poor and lived off tiny wages. Furthermore it was a sexist country, so women didnt have the same rights as men. For example they were not permitted to vote until 1918, and even then they had to be over 30 until 1928 where the age was lowered to 21, equal to men. This is showed when Sheila and Sybil leave the room, so the men can talk business. Priestly may have written it at this time because he was trying to convey his socialistic views through the mouth of the Inspector, and the inclusion of dramatic irony referring to World War I a few German officers talking nonsense and a few scaremongers here making a fuss about nothing and these silly little war scares is proof that Priestley believes socialism is the best system. The Birlings are described through very detailed stage directions. For example, the Birlings are subtly described as materialistic [their house] is substantial and heavily comfortable, but not cosy and homelike. This portrays them as people who care more about appearances than comfort. The lighting is pink and intimate; this shows that they are enjoying the night and it might also suggest that they have something to hide. In the stage directions at the beginning of the play, Priestley presents Sheila, as a pretty girl in her early twenties, very pleased with life and rather excited. Sheila doesnt really contrast from the rest of the family at this stage, which would imply she is happy in this selfish, capitalist household. It is immediately apparent that Sheila and Geralds relationship is not based on love; it is more arranged and convenient. For example, Sheilas engagement to Gerald means a step up the social ladder for the Birlings as Gerald might have done better for [himself] socially. Furthermore, it appears that Birling is hoping for a business relationship between Crofts Limited and Birling and Company, for lower costs and higher prices. It shows that Birling thinks of this relationship as a means to make money, rather than to make his daughter happy. Furthermore the ring represents materialism and class, rather than love. This is shown because Sheila kisses Gerald hastily indicating a lack of romance. While Sheila looks like she is a bit childish and naÃÆ' ¯ve Mummy, isnt it beautiful? she is later seen to be quite suspicious and intelligent. For example, when she teases Gerald over his absence all last summer, she is half serious, half playful. She doesnt seem convinced he was awfully bu sy at the works. Her suspicions arent fully explored because women at the time were expected not to question their husband, which is shown when Mrs. Birling says, men with important work to do sometimes have to spend nearly all their time and energy on their business. Youll have to get used to that, just as I had. Thus at the start of the play, Sheila seems happy to have a subordinate role. When the Inspector appears the lighting changes to a brighter and harder light which gives the impression of exposure and the revelation of truth. This is significant as it shows that the Inspector will change the mood completely and it indicates secrets coming to light. The audience is enticed to trust the Inspector over Mr. Birling because Mr. Birling says a lot of things which we know not to be true dramatic irony. For example, he says that the Titanic is, unsinkable, absolutely unsinkable. The audience knows that the Titanic, of course, crashes during its voyage but Mr. Birling doesnt know this and the repetition of the word unsinkable suggests his misplaced certainty. In addition, the audience at this point believes the Inspector to be a real inspector, so they automatically think he is a trustworthy person. Something else that makes the audience more wary of Mr. Birling is when he says, Now, Inspector, perhaps you and I had better go and talk this over quietly in a corner whic h reinforces our opinion that he places money over morality. It looks like he is trying to bribe the Inspector. We also get a clear message that the Inspector is not impressed or intimidated by the social status of Mr. Birling, as many people would in that time. It is shown when Mr. Birling says, Perhaps I ought to warn you that hes an old friend of mine, and that I see him fairly frequently. We play golf together sometimes up at West Brumley followed by the response from the Inspector, (dryly) I dont play golf. This excerpt shows that people would commonly threaten people of a lower class than them using their social status and contacts, which we find out Sheila does to Eva later in the play. The Inspectors response, I dont play golf is a metaphor for saying Im not threatened by you and ultimately Im not a capitalist. This extract also voices Priestleys views on capitalism, saying how corrupt it is. When the Inspector announces the death of Eva Smith, Eric is the first to say something (involuntarily) My God! This shows that he is genuinely surprised/caring about the incident. This contrasts with what Mr. Birling says next, (rather impatiently) Yes, yes. Horrid business. But I dont understand why you should come here, Inspector. This shows how selfish Mr. Birling actually is. He obviously doesnt care about Eva, which is apparent from his impatience he just wants to know why the Inspector has bothered him. Sheila also appears caring later on when she is shown the picture of Eva Smith, She looks at it closely, recognizes it with a little cry, gives a half-stifled sob, and then runs out. This response shows she has much more remorse and guilt than Mr. Birling, who was quick to dismiss any responsibility [Me sacking her] has nothing to do with the wretched girls suicide. Eh, Inspector? We find out that Sheila is partly responsible for Eva Smiths suicide because she complained to the shop Milwards about Evas behaviour, as she was jealous of her prettiness and was in a bad mood. We realise that Sheila can be shallow and childish at times, when she says, When I tried the thing on an looked at myself and knew that it was all wrong, I caught sight of this girl smiling at Miss Francis as if to say: Doesnt she look awful and I was absolutely furious. This extract also makes her look quite vain, because she assumed that Eva was smiling about her, as if theres nothing else she could possibly be smiling about and that the world revolves around her. The childishness is also supported by the fact that she calls her parents Mummy and Daddy on numerous occasions. Overall she probably did what she did at Milwards because she had been in a bad temper anyhow and just wanted someone to blame, so she took it out on someone she considered lower than her and used her money and status to get what she wanted. Sheilas actions (and possibly her beliefs) change throughout the Inspectors investigation. Upon discovering she is partly responsible for Evas death she manages to get a moment alone with Gerald, where she tries to find out his involvement before he is interrogated by the Inspector. Gerald gives himself away because he says, (started) What? as soon as the Inspector says the name Daisy Renton. It also looks like Sheila becomes more wary and independent after this, as she asks Gerald questions about Eva and guesses correctly Geralds involvement with her You not only knew her but you knew her very well. She also realises that the Inspector knows everything already, Why you fool he knows. Of course he knows. And I hate to think how much he knows that we dont know yet. Youll see. Youll see. The repetition of Youll see is used to emphasise the fact that before the end of the evening, everyone will be proved guilty which shows that Sheila has superior insight to the rest of the family. S heila also gets an insight into the way the Inspector works, which she displays when she uses the wall metaphor, You mustnt try to build up a kind of wall between us and that girl. If you do, then the Inspector will just break it down and itll be all the worse when he does. In effect here she is saying theres no point in trying to lie or avoid responsibility, because you will find out that you are in fact responsible. The wall also represents the barriers the Birlings exact between the rich and the poor She is saying something similar with the rope metaphor Hes giving us the rope so that well hang ourselves. This shows that the Inspector is here to make the Birlings admit to their mistakes, rather than just to arrest then because of course in reality they havent committed any legal crime towards Eva. Shelia is definitely more receptive to the Inspectors message. This is further shown by the fact that she is trying to get the rest of the family to just tell the honest truth It cra zy. Please, stop mother. When Sheila gives the engagement ring back to Gerald this is actually very symbolic. Firstly it shows that Shelia has grown less materialistic and vain and that she values the truth much more, as the ring was the only thing keeping Gerald and her together. In addition it can also be thought of as Sheilas switch from a capitalist to a socialist as she is turning her back on this symbol of materialism. This shows that she was particularly receptive to the Inspector. The fact that Mr. Birling tries to keep the two engaged, Now, Sheila, Im not defending him but you must understand that a lot of young menà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ shows that he is still completely oblivious to the Inspectors message and is still trying to hold on to the thing that will help him step up on the social ladder. When the Birlings find out that the Inspector isnt an actually police inspector, they all behave differently. Sheila and Eric dont believe that it makes any difference because the Inspector opened their eyes to how selfish he family is, which is shown when Sheila says sarcastically, I suppose were all nice people now. So the Inspector leaves the biggest impression on the younger generation, which interestingly is mentioned earlier when the Inspector says, We often [leave an impression] on the young ones. Theyre most impressionable. This shows that the younger people have a chance to change their beliefs and do something about it, as they are the future. On the other hand, Mr. and Mrs. Birling seem to think that the Inspectors fakeness makes all the difference. For example Mr. Birling says, If that had been a police inspector and hed heard you confessà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ This shows that he cares more about appearances and how scandalous the ordeal would be rather than how much of an impact it should have had on his beliefs. Priestleys message is quite complicated. Earlier on the Inspector gives a speech that covers the main themes of the whole play. He says, One Eva Smith has gone, but there are millions and millions and millions of Eva Smiths and John Smiths still left with us, with their lives, their hopes and fears, their suffering and chance of happiness, all intertwined with our lives, and what we think and what we do. The hopes and fears is to emphasise the fact that these people are actual people, not cheap labour as Mr. Birling says. This whole speech is basically to say that it is not just one person; millions of people are suffering just for the rich to prosper. Afterwards he says, We dont live alone. We are members of one body. We are responsible for each other. And I tell you that the time will come soon when, if men will no learn that lesson, then they will be taught in fire and blood and anguish. The term Fire and blood and anguish is dramatic irony as it is a reference to the World Wars. The fact that the audience knows that this will happen makes them think that socialism is the correct political system. The final part is open to interpretation, but in my opinion when the family gets the phone call to find out that a girl has actually committed suicide, the audience get the idea that the Inspector might actually be God as he appears omniscient, which tells us that God would prefer everyone to share the blame and understand their mistakes, which fits in with Socialist beliefs. The Inspectors role was to make the others admit their secrets and mistakes and make them see that what they did was wrong. Sheila has definitely changed with this, becoming less vain and materialistic. Eric has also changed, becoming more Socialist than Capitalist. The change in the younger generation shows that it is up to them to change the world and make it a better place (a Socialist place). This is because it is too late for the older, elitist more prejudiced generation and the audience knows that because of them the World Wars would be inevitable.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Why the U.S. was the #1 Industrial Power :: essays research papers

By 1890- 1900 the U.S. was the number one industrial power in the world. There were many reasons for being number one. One reason for being number one was its natural resources. Its transportation revolution was a major part in its becoming of number one. Also the inventors and inventions made the U.S. number one.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The natural resources were the most important reason that made the U.S. number one by 1900. Its gold, silver, copper, oil and steel were the major natural recourses. The oil was used to fuel trains and factories. The steel was used to make railroad tracks. The gold, silver and copper were used as trade to get other stuff and money.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The invention of automobiles and locomotives was the reason for a major transportation revolution. There were a large number of railroad networks to transport the natural resources to the factories and then to the market. Boats traveled down rivers and canals to transport bulky goods. Automobiles (and trolleys) were used for luxury and a way for people to get around.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There were many inventions and Inventors of the time. The U.S. t the time was a nation of backyard tinkers and we had the Yankee curiosity that turned out thousands of new products every year. We had many of the most important inventions made on United States soil. Thomas Edison made the first incandescent light bulb. Sam Morse created the telegraph (Morse Code). Henry Ford made Ford Motors and the assembly line. The Wright Brothers made the Airplane. Christopher Sholes was the creator of the typewriter.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The U.S. was the number one industrial power by 1900 mainly because of the three things: Its natural resources, inventors and inventions and the transportation revolution.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Perseverance Despite Persecution Essays -- Literary Analysis, Langston

The founding fathers constructed the Constitution with the notion that â€Å"all men were created equal.† However, many minorities still struggle for the same rights and opportunities as others. â€Å"Mother to Son† and â€Å"The Negro Speaks of Rivers† are poems written by Langston Hughes that use symbolism to exemplify the struggles of African Americans as they attempt to persevere through adversity. Hughes utilizes the stairs in â€Å"Mother to Son† and the rivers in â€Å"The Negro Speaks of Rivers† as his main mode of symbolism. Symbolism in the two works develop the overall themes of the poems, perseverance. In â€Å"Mother to Son,† Hughes uses a worn staircase as an extended metaphor to parallel its flaws to the struggles of African Americans. She urges her son not to give in to the pressures of society, because she has not. By stating â€Å"Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair, (Mother to Son â€Å"MS† line 2) Mother is able to portray that her life is far from perfect. In fact, she describes her life as having â€Å"tacks and splinters†¦with boards torn up† (MS lines 3-5). These defects symbolize the problems in her life that were caused by her race, her gender, or both. In addition, Hans J. Massaquoi’s article â€Å"The Black Family Nobody Knows,† exemplifies that the African American race is a strong and versatile race. He argues that many people tend to depict Blacks through negative stereotypes, such as â€Å"drug abuse,† â€Å"teenage pregnancy,† and â€Å"gang affiliation† (Massaquoi 28). Massaquoi’s article, much like â€Å"Mother to... ... Hughes uses â€Å"geographical landscapes† (Hogan 20), such as the river, as a common passage and a common place for African Americans. Hogan, much like me sees the rivers in â€Å"The Negro Speaks of Rivers† as â€Å"a symbol of both rooted connectedness and fluid mobility† and of â€Å"cultural flow across both space and time.† Through the exemplary use of symbolism, Langston Hughes produced two poems that spoke to a singular idea: Black people have prevailed through trials and tribulations to carry on their legacy as a persevering people. From rivers to stairs, Hughes use of extended metaphor emphasizes the feeling of motion which epitomizes the determination of the people. Overall, the driving feeling of the poems coupled with their strong imagery produce two different works that solidify and validate one main idea.

The Power Struggle between the President and Congress Essay -- Papers

The Power Struggle between the President and Congress From the inception of the Constitution, there has always been a power struggle between the President and Congress. In the beginning, Madison and the Jeffersonians were placed in a gridlock with Hamilton and his school of political philosophy. Andrew Jackson fought to extend the powers of the President, then Congress spent 50 years fighting to repeal the powers of the Executive. Abraham Lincoln refined Jacksonian presidential politics, then Congress impeached his successor, Andrew Johnson, for fear of another quasi -- tyrannical President. Even today, a Congress, whose majority is of the same party as the President, fights 24 hours a day to check the power of President George W. Bush. But why, and how? Inherent Power Struggles Within the Constitution: Article I, Section I -- "All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and a House of Representatives" VS. Article II, Section I -- "The executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America" Article II, Section II -- "The President shall be the Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several states, when called into the actual service of the United States" - The Founders' ambiguous and contradicting language sets the stage for a power struggle between the Executive and the Legislative branches - Being that the Founders were political masterminds, they realized that unique circumstances would demand some deviations from the restraints that the Constitution places on both the Executive and the Legislature - Founders anticipated that during times of crisis', the nation would need ... ... in office and how the congress will act toward the President; whether he be a President that demands respect or one who forfeits it and whether the Congress gives in to the demands of the Executive or if the Congress comes down on t he Executive like a hammer on a nail. This can be accomplished by viewing the circumstances in which a President takes office, the manner in which he carries himself during his term, and the way in which the President leaves as Commander in Chief. Conclusion: The President has neither gained nor lost power. There exists the same balance between Executive and Congress as there was when Washington was sworn in as America's first President. The only difference between then and now, is the fact that today we must wade through the layers of insignificance and precedents that history has forged against us, the political thinker and historian.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Counseling in the Latino Culture

Case Study of Mario Abstract Counseling members of the Latino culture who reside in the United States comes with many challenges, as family structure, economic, and social factors influence an individual’s ability to cope with his new surroundings. In the case study of Mario, an examination of his US residency and the motivational role his family played in his relocation is crucial in determining his mental state and understanding of support. Latino men are generally hesitant to seek counseling and admit weakness, and the mandate of the court for treatment may even create more resistance in the case of Mario.While treatment goals would include a complete abstinence from addictive substances, deeper success would come with a realization of his coping mechanisms and the environment factors triggering their defenses. Measures success will be found in the increased ability for Mario to self-disclose during treatment, cooperating in native-language journaling, and attendance and vo luntary participation in addiction oriented group counseling. Personal Information When first meeting with Mario, I would like to understand more about who he is.Since we may not have complete file on his demographics, I would like to know his age, marital status, original residence, if he has children, and current employment situation. I would like to know about his journey to get into the United States, as well as the decision making that went into the process. Considering that he has left his family behind, I would like to know who he is staying with or his current living conditions. Since the ties among family are highly valued in the Hispanic culture, determining whose choice it was for Mario to enter the United States illegally would assist in understanding his emotional state and stability.As mentioned by Torres & Zayas (2009), â€Å"Latino men are intensely devoted to their families, take great pride in their ability to provide for and protect their wives and children, and are deeply connected to their extended families and their broader communities† (Torres & Zayas, 2009, p. 206). In light of this, I would like to know the motivation for being in the United States despite the risks associated with his alien status. I would also like to know if he any contact with his family back home. I would also like to know about his family background.The primary source of identity and self-esteem in a Latino is found in his familial structure (Torres-Rivera, 2004). Additionally, the family culture of the Latino population heavily involves the teaching and cultures of the Roman Catholic church, which is a source of Mario’s social interaction (Hildebrand, Phenice, Gray, & Hinesm, 2008). The family structure and culture also provides understanding of the level of acceptance or tolerance for substance abuse, and whether or not there are any moral objections to such behaviors by relatives and his original community.This provides an avenue from which to pu rsue support or determine a weak spot in his associations (Torres-Rivera, 2004). I think it would also be pertinent to follow his journey in the United States for the past five years. How many times has he been unemployed? What different cultures, ethnicities, and attitudes has he been exposed too? How has he learned to communicate with others? Research show the social and economic conditions play a significant role in substance abuse among Latinos (Black, DeBlassie, Paz, 1991).Realizing what he has been exposed to may provide insight into his need or decision to abuse alcohol or other substances. Personal Biases and Limitations Having had previous exposure to the Latino community through a non-profit organization, I feel that I am comfortable around their culture. One of the keys to building successful rapport with a Latino client is familiarizing oneself with the Latino community and culture, and I think that my desire to become more education about diversity would allow me to acc omplish this (Black, DeBlassie, Paz, 1991).However, realizing that he is an illegal alien does give me cause for concern and my first inclination may be to question why he is receiving counseling rather than being deported. Since men within the Latino â€Å"seldom present for treatment, and even more rarely do they make the initial request for services themselves† (Torres & Zayas, 2009), I may be predisposed to assume that these sessions would be pointless and his addictions were just a part of his primary culture. I may also question who would be paying for the services, and feel that government funding would be better spent on individuals who had a â€Å"legitimate right† to ur services. Should he have limited English speaking abilities, I may be frustrated and feel that he had a responsibility to learn English if he wanted to a part of our country and just refer his case off to a Spanish speaking counselor so I would not have the challenges that would accompany that barrier. With these thoughts and biases, my understanding of his lifestyle and point of view would be skewed and I do not think that I would look objectively at goals and treatment plans.I may go through the motions of listening, but lack a sincerity and empathy in my approach and response. Latino individuals, especially men, need to develop strong rapport with their counselors or therapist, as self-disclosure is extremely difficult for them (Torres & Zayas, 2009). My attitude may be easily sensed, which would lead to confrontation and hostility from the initial introductions (Black, DeBlassie, Paz, 1991). Goals In working with Mario, I think the primary goal would be abstinence from alcohol.Instead of explaining the evils of alcohol or the effects on his physical health or even the legal consequences of abuse, it is more critical that I engage him in a decision to abstain from alcohol for a specific period of time as we discuss the implications of his abuse on his family and commu nity. Although he is separated from his family, deriving treatment goals from what is culturally acceptable behavior highlights one of the strongest values in the Hispanic culture- protecting and providing for the family (Maddux, Phan, Roberts-Wilbur, Torres-Rivera, & Wilbur, 2004).Realizing that his dependence on alcohol may be a coping mechanism for his loneliness and having him explore avenues to become more socially engaged will be another goal that I pursue with Mario. In Latino men, â€Å"substance abuse is often used to cope with the discomfort and unmet emotional needs of the individual† (Maddux, Phan, Roberts-Wilbur, Torres-Rivera, & Wilbur, 2004, p. 31). Despite the need for change, it is plausible that Mario will not support these goals.In fact, â€Å"resistance should be expected at with every intervention when working with Latino clients† (Maddux, Phan, Roberts-Wilbur, Torres-Rivera, & Wilbur, 2004, p. 36). One suggestion for combatting this resistance wou ld be to have Mario participate in a group counseling setting where he can examine the importance of cultural beliefs and values, as well as provide him a more â€Å"familiar face† environment where he can be honest with other Latino participants (Maddux, Phan, Roberts-Wilbur, Torres-Rivera, & Wilbur, 2004). Theoretical ApproachBecause of the strong need for Latino men to feel in control and exude their masculine identity, I will have to carefully approach my discussions or plan for Mario (Torres & Zayas, 2009). I would develop a better relationship if I share ideas and allow him to discuss it and offer input. The Latino population is generally not interested in lengthy, theoretical discussions and often prefers action. ‘Hispanic clients were found to be tolerant of early goal setting in the counseling process† (Black, DeBlassie, Paz, 1991, p. 229). My style should be direct, and include an understanding of the problem form their perspective (Diller, 2011).It woul d also be important to incorporate a spiritual component to his treatment, â€Å"since spirituality for Latinos is an important part of their identity† (Maddux et al, 2004, p. 37). Latino individuals are known to terminate counseling prematurely (Madduz et al, 2004). With the fact that counseling has been mandated by the courts, I would establish a minimum of four sessions. Since the primary session will mainly gather information about his background, that leaves three sessions to work through what I have discovered and found to be important to him.Since this will be combined with attendance with a support group, I do not want to scare Mario or smother him in his treatment and progress. If there is a language barrier, it may be easier for Mario to communicate on a deeper emotional level in his native language (Black, DeBlassie, Paz, 1991). If this is the case and he is comfortable doing so, I would have him journal in Spanish or outwardly speak his thoughts occurring when he has a desire to drink or when he is lonely. This may be more effective than me trying to tell him how he might feel in English.Therapeutic Progress and Success While success would be for Mario to become more integrated into his present community and maintain control over his alcohol intake, measuring success for Mario may be difficult if he is unable remove the depression, fear, and stress that often accompanies Latinos residing in the United States (Maddux et al, 2004). However, smaller signs of success with be a noticeable change in his effort to participate in therapy and increase in the depth of his disclosers during sessions.Once Latino men are more comfortable and engaged in the therapeutic process, their walls come down and they are more willing to be personal and open in their revelations (Torres and Zayas, 2009). Further success would be shown in his willful participation in the group therapy that he has been required to attend. References Black, C. , DeBlassie, R. , & Paz, H. (1991). Counseling the Hispanic male adolescent. Adolescence, 26(101), 223-32. Retrieved from http://search. proquest. com/docview/195933761? accountid=12085 Diller, J. V. (2011). Cultural diversity: A primer for the human services (4th ed. ).Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole. Hildebrand, V. , Phenice, L. , Gray, M. , & Hines, R. (2008). Knowing and serving diverse families (3rd ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Maddxx, C. , Phan, L. , Roberts-Wilbur, J. , Torres-Rivera, E. , & Wilbur, M. (2004) Counseling Latinos with substance abuse problems. Journal of Addictions & Offender Counseling, 25(1), 26-42. Retrieved from http://search. proquest. com/docview/194443893? accountid=12085 Torres, L. & Zayas, L. (2009). Culture and masculinity: When therapist and patient are Latino men. Clinical Social Work Journal, 37(4), 294-302. doi: 10. 1007/s10615-009-0232-2